Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 7- Stachetastic Monday

It's that time again my friends....Our weekly update!
It looks like it is coming along great! Got a stache... goatee thing going on...
and you can see a little of the new tattoo...

P.S. Once you start think of mustaches... then you notice them every where and compare them to each other.... I think we need to develop a rating system...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 6- Stachetastic Monday

Eeeek! I'm a day late but I got the goods! 
My brother sent me the updated  picture before he went to work... I do have to mention... nice hair... lol
Anyways, as you look at the picture, and I saw it in person on Sunday, it is coming along great! It has become very full and bushy! Success so far!
Loving it!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Friends with Mustaches

Our Very FIRST Friends with Mustaches!

She is sporting our Beach Mustache!

Day 2- 16 Day Mustache Challenge

Davenport Beach!
This is our beach mustache!
It screams... "Going to the beach where I belong... nah nah nah...."

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 5- Stachetastic Monday

Happy 4th of July!!!
Happy Stachetastic Monday!!!
 What a wonderful day to have an update of the mustache progress!!! 
Is anything going to grow in the middle of the upper lip? That is the question of the hour now??? Let's just wait and see!
I have to say that I love it!!! It's looking great!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Random Stache Moment!

There is nothing better than a random mustache moment! AC and I went to my friends 24th Hollywood themed birthday party on Friday. It just happened that there was a mustache on the door when we walked in and on a painting in the kitchen. I warned him throughout the night that there might be a missing stache by the end of the night! AC seized the moment and took the stahe and we took a picture with the mustache from the door and sent the picture to him during the party! 
Here are the results!
Love random mustache moments!!!

P.S. Did I mention that it was a costume party! We are dressed up like celebrities! AC is Taylor Swift and I am Demi Lavato!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 4- Stachetastic Monday

Another Monday has come and another picture has been sent to me!
It is coming along fabulously!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Friends with Mustaches

Friends with Mustaches!!!

This will be friends, family members and animals pictures with different mustaches from the mustache bouquet! It will be awesome to see other people who are making a statement with our mustaches. To see which one they will pick and want to be seen with! Then we will post the pictures! 
Let the fun being!

Day 3- Stachetastic Monday!

What a very hot Monday today was... but the good part was I got to spend it with the stache in progress itself! (My Brother... LOL) My brother, best friend and I all love Monday's for the fact of stachetasticness! My Bestie had surgery today, (She is recovering and I am so very happy that she doing so great) and even in Post-Op sent me a Text reminding me of Srachetastic Monday! 
Now... that is dedication and love to the Stache!

As you notice in today's Day 3 picture... it is coming along great! But there is nothing in the middle of his lip! Odd... I know... as we were talking about it this weekend, he was annoyed by it and stated that if in a couple of weeks  if it doesn't fill in that he was going to shave it all off!!! I am demanding that doesn't happen! Let's hope it fills out to the bushy gloriousness of a stache!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 2- Stachetastic Monday!

Our first official post of our Stachetastic Monday! 
You can see a glimer of hope on that upper lip... we might be on to something!